Australian visitors in top 10 at Ipex

Nick Craig Waller, marketing director for Ipex organiser IIR, told ProPrint that Australian pre-registrations made them ninth on the list of countries, in terms of nationalities registered.

It continues a long history of strong showings from Australian printers at the show, according to IIR.

Event director Trevor Crawford said: “There has always been a very strong connection between Ipex and Australian printers.

“I think there’s a very special relationship between Australian print society and Ipex. I don’t see that changing,” he added.

At this week’s pre-Ipex event in Brussels, Crawford revealed IIR’s ambitious plans to attract visitors to the show.

He explained that the organisers’ target is to achieve a net attendance of 55,000 visitors from 70,000 pre-registrations, representing a pre-registration conversion rate of 65%.

Global expansion is a key part of the 2010 strategy, with plans to grow international attendance to 50%. A particular attendance boost is expected from Asian and Latin American visitors.

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