The first panel session at FESPA Australia’s recent People Planet Profit Conference in Sydney on 3 November saw Ball & Doggett’s Zaidee Jackson, Next Printing’s Pranil Chandra and T1 Print’s Pamela Mannell discussing the theme ‘Achieving Sustainable Priorities from a Buyers Perspective’.

Moderated by FESPA president Nigel Davies, the session allowed panelists to unpack topics on ESG, sustainability objectives and greenwashing. Questions around external sustainability standard lead to lively discussions on how (or if) they are required to be met by Print Service Providers, which standards to work towards and how progress should be benchmarked.
Jackson kicked off, highlighting the importance of using the correct terminology and defining emission scopes 1, 2 and 3. She spoke on the importance of understanding what sustainability is, how it impacts on individual businesses and knowing what action to take, and the merits of working with a sustainability expert to assist.

Chandra went on to discuss the topic further, sharing an incident of a client who expected a comprehensive breakdown of the company’s sustainability credentials, and the processes involved in creating sustainable products, which Next Printing found difficult to respond it but has since gone on to delve into and address more deeply.
Mannell then shared her ‘daunting’ experience in trying to obtain the necessary sustainability credentials for her company, which she said had been an expensive exercise, but an important one.
Both Jackson and Chandra echoed that sentiment, with Zaidee highlighting the need for accreditation to be regionally based and localised, and Chandra noting that the demand for accreditation from customers was increasing, anticipating that more specific data will be required for more accurate response.

In closing, the panelists voiced their suggestions on taking action towards sustainability priorities. Mannell highlighted the importance of businesses getting on the journey, and working towards continuous improvement, Chandra emphasised the merits of getting external help and Zaidee pointed out the role of key decision makers and the need for companies to create strategy, set goals and put an action plan in place.
Being transparent on validating sustainability claims was a must and could provide a gateway for companies to build rapport, concluded Jackson.
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