Highwater bites into CtP market with new Cobra 2

The Cobra utilises a unique spinning pin bar to enable a wider range of plate types to be used.

HighWater showed its complete range of platesetters, from the new B1 Cobra 8, the semi-auto B2 Python down to the B3 Cobra 2. All of Highwater’s CtP devices now use a 120mW violet diode, which Ferag Australia’s

Ray Bounsall said would handle any new developments from plate manufacturers into the foreseeable future. It will also ensure that they can expose the violet chemistry-free plates being launched at the show.

The company is also highlighting its web approval system for smoother and faster job approval and processing. Customisable for individual print operations, the new system preflight checks each job as it is sent by customers and automatically passes or fails it on a series of tests. Failed files are sent back to the print buyer for correction and another try at preflighting, until the file is approved for processing, and a soft proof is sent for approval or annotation. Once the job is approved the data are sent automatically into the production system.

The system brings a new level of sophistication in automated job handling and remote approval for smaller printers.

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