Gold Coast trade printer IBS has come up with a list of areas it believes print service providers should focus on to best serve clients and ensure all their printing needs are covered during the COVID-19 period.
IBS’ chief marketing officer Natalie Macauley has put together a video outlining the opportunities which can be seen here: https://vimeo.com/400458364
But in summary here’s what IBS says you should be looking at promoting to your customers:
Hand washing and hygiene promotional posters, decals and corflutes – as the pandemic continues to wear on the promotion of hygienic practices will only continue to fight the spread of the virus. IBS has put together a bunch of free designs for customers to use to ensure a speedy delivery to market of these goods.
“Support Local Business” and “We Are Still Open for Business” signage – including posters, stickers, business cards and letterbox drops. Macauley points to direct mail as being a proven and cost-effective way to get messages across – this is even more direct now as so many people are now working from home. A localised letterbox drop can also keep residents informed of what shops are open and for what hours.
Drive Through signage: including bollards, A frames and wall stickers. Macauley says this was always a big sector but will only grow now as people are prevented from going inside food outlets.
Delivery Service Area signage: Including A Frames and street pole signage. Macauley says this is a great way of getting noticed and is relatively cheap. It helps create awareness for a business and also helps them consolidate pick up points which can save a business money.
Mobile signage for critical in-home services like physiotherapists, home nurses and tradespeople. This includes car magnets, A Frame stands, business cards and flyers. These items help promote an operator while they are working in the home. Macauley says as more people are working from home, there are heavier loads on premises prompting increase needs for visits from tradespeople. This type of signage helps word-of-mouth promotion in local areas.
Directional and informational signage – this will continue to required as businesses face changing trading conditions and operational workflows.
Security signage – As unemployment rises the chances of break and enter can increase so security signage can help with this cheap way of communicating the message ground signage
“There is a lot of doom and gloom because so many industries have been hit. But there are many that are busier than ever, think supermarkets, medical centres, pharmacies, they are all booming and if you don’t keep on top of their regular printing needs, someone else is going to snap them up,” Macauley said.
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