Print manager wins govt contract

WPM Group has scored another win for its end-to-end print management software after landing a state government client.

Chief executive Neil Clark said the Perth-based print manager had just started a $375,000 contract for chemical lab ChemCentre covering print, design and promotional merchandise. The two-year deal includes three one-year options, he added.

Clark told ProPrint that the key to WPM's service delivery was its Quantum software, which it purchased in 2009.

"It's unique to us in Western Australia. The thing that makes it attractive is that it’s a total end-to-end solution. It's not a myriad of options clipped together.

"The client can go online to order from their personalised catalogue, and it goes all the way through to templates, full cost centre management, full cost centre reporting and then flows all the way through to our accounting package.

"It manages all inventory cost centres… It manages all our commissions, all of our internal accounting also. It's one big, massive seamless package."

[Related: WPM wins prisons contract]

Clark said WPM had more than 40 local and interstate printers on its preferred supplier panel.

The six-staff company, which also has regional offices in Albany and Geraldton, grew 43% in 2012-13, he said. The year included contract wins with West Australian miners and government departments, he added.

Clark told ProPrint that the strong growth was partly due to WPM's excellent staff and their focus on client engagement.

"We do six-monthly reviews, and look at progress made and progress to be made, look at what we've solved for them, what are the major KPIs and cost savings, and what other parts of the print management they would like to engage."

He also said WPM's Quantum software had helped make West Australian clients more responsive to the print management model.

"For me the missing link in print management has always been the technology that drives it. That was our missing link," he said.

"It's taken us some time to learn it and then deliver it to the marketplace where they can digest and understand it, and now it's getting momentum and people are understanding it, and the demand is growing as they understand."

[Related: More news about print managers]

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