IVE Group, Ovato and Press Print Solutions customers have won Major Awards in the 2020 Real Media Awards, with Eckersley Print Group, Rawson Print Co., Southern Impact, Spectrum Print (NZ) and Taylor’d Press receiving finalist and winning recognition for category awards.
The 29th Real Media Awards were virtually held last Thursday, celebrating excellence in letterbox marketing, publishing, direct mail, point of sale, marketing efficacy and more across Australia and New Zealand.

The Real Media Awards is unique to other industry awards in that they award excellence to brands, retailers, creatives, agencies, printers and distributors alike.
Whilst this year was a virtual event, previous years have enjoyed up to 700 attendees with printers, retailers, marketers, agencies, designers and distributors coming together to celebrate the campaigns they have achieved together.
This approach aligns with The Real Media Collective’s philosophy – one collective industry.
“The Real Media Collective is an example of the industry coming together – brands, agencies, retailers, printers, publishers and distributors celebrating the work they create in partnership, to drive efficacy across the impressive and results-driven media channels we represent,” The Real Media Collective CEO Kellie Northwood said.
“Despite a difficult year with many working from home, agencies, retailers and printers operating virtually to bring campaigns alive delivered some incredibly impressive innovation and The Real Media Awards are a testament to this success and a great reflection of our Collective philosophy.”
A diverse group of printers were recognised this year which Northwood says demonstrates that companies of all sizes can deliver excellent print to drive results for customers.
Household brand names participate directly with ALDI, David Jones and Woolworths being announced as Major Award winners, for marketing campaign excellence, and agencies BMF, Earl Street Creative and Our Agency recognized for excellence in creativity and strategy.
Agency of the Year was awarded to BMF with their suite of ALDI work with Ovato. Finalists included Medium Rare Content Agency, Earl Street Creative and Our Agency who all showcased exemplary positioning, content development and multi-channel exploration throughout the pandemic.
“Throughout this year the agencies, designers and printers who were able to leverage from their marketing foundations and pivot were those who achieved most success,” Northwood said.
“The entries this year showcased a terrific exploration of creativity, content and innovation not seen in previous years – to all the printers, who despite the most difficult circumstances, your entries demonstrated that you remained a trusted partner with your clients and regardless of a global pandemic you stood up and shone this year, I congratulate you all.”
Earl Street Creative won the Judges Choice award with over 40 judges selecting the ‘Fenwick, Kew’ property publication printed by Press Print Solutions, as the best of the year.
Two well-regarded Australian brands were recognized for ‘Fashion’ with winning trophies, R. M. Williams for Karlu Karlu Autumn Winter 2020 and Hard Yakka for their 2020 Catalogue.
“Our industry is strong and as a media channel, print is highly effective, accessible for all citizens with the largest audience reach (20.4M Australians and 3.9M New Zealanders) of any other channel,” Northwood said.
“We are also well regarded and read by consumers. The Real Media Awards has celebrated, despite a difficult year, the success of our industry and all that we do and I congratulate every entrant, finalist and winner – your work is a testament to your team and your companies.”
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