Q&A: Alan Thomas, PrintCity

The hopeless romantic has been with Print City since founding the Melbourne business in 1972. He’s got a love-hate relationship with clients and may or may not resemble Allan Border. He loves his cycling almost as much as he loves his granddaughters.

What is your favourite phrase?

The person who never made a mistake never made anything

Which superpower would you like?

Reverse hindsight

Who or what makes you laugh?

My beautiful granddaughters

What is your favourite TV show?

Tour de France on SBS every July

Which piece of print are you most proud of?

My marriage certificate

What’s one of the biggest stuff-ups you’ve made in your career?

Going into a partnership

What do you like most about being in print?


What do you dislike most about being in print?


Reveal a secret talent 

I can’t – it’s a secret

What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

The only dumb questions are the ones you don’t ask

What’s has been the single most important printing innovation?

The computer coupled with PDF

Which famous person do you resemble? 

One of my sons reckons I used to look like Allan Border

What’s your favourite piece of print?

The €500 note

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