The Real Media Collective has opened the entry period for this year’s Real Media Awards with ‘Packaging and Labels’ a new category now added to the ‘Excellence in Craft’ section of the awards.
The Real Media Awards celebrates print, marketing and brands and the entry window for the awards closes on Friday November 26.
“The Real Media Awards has grown year in year in both entries and sponsors, as an opportunity for our industry and their customers to be recognised for their campaigns and partnerships,” The Real Media Collective CEO Kellie Northwood said.
“The Design and Print industries bring our customer’s visions to life, what better way to celebrate our craft than with our customers. That is the uniqueness of the Real Media Awards from agencies to designers, printers to paper merchants, we are one Collective industry that is awarded and recognised for our individual roles.
“I love nothing better on the night than watching our members and their customers celebrate what they produced together.”
Major awards for the Real Media Awards include Brand of the Year; Publisher of the Year; Retailer of the Year; Agency of the Year; Judges Choice; Best Emerging Designer and Best Emerging Talent. There are also categories for home; fashion; cosmetics and pharmacy; recreation and leisure; B2C; retail; mail; publishing (magazines and books); digital and excellence in craft.
For more information about the awards and how to enter, please click here.

Real Media Awards to be held in Sydney
A gala event will be held in Sydney on Friday March 18 at a venue yet to be announced.
Packaging and labels has also been added as many members of The Real Media Collective continue to diversify into this area of print.
“Many of our members have diversified into packaging and labels and as such, it was fitting to include this growth sector. We also hosted webinars with designers and agencies throughout the year and they indicated how much packaging and label work they have been developing. It made sense in our connection with printers and customers to introduce this Award into our Excellence in Craft category,” Northwood said.
“Our Awards program celebrates excellence across all that we do – from letterbox to publishing, print marketing to in-store signage, packaging to government journals, property portfolios to education prospectus. Print is one of the hardest-working channels and should be celebrated as such. Bring back the glamour and passion of our industry into one Collective – from designer to stylist, photographer to printer – together we award and applaud,” concluded Northwood.
For more information go to: Real Media Awards 2021.
- Entries submission deadline – Friday 26th November 2021
- Finalists Announced – Wednesday 15th December 2021
- Awards Gala Tickets on sale – Monday 10th January 2022
- Awards Gala Celebration – Friday 18th March 2022
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