Wide-format vendors battle it out on the V8 Supercars track

Roland DG is currently in pole position as a sponsor of championship leaders Team Vodafone while Océ’s sponsorship of Kelly Racing’s Team Jack Daniels is just edging out Mimaki’s Brad Jones Racing.

Océ has provided Kelly Racing with a CS9160 printer and an SCPro cutter so the team can create its own car wraps.

The vendor is hoping for a better year after losing a bottle of champagne in its bet against Roland in 2010.

An Océ spokesperson said all bets were off this year, adding: “I don’t think we actually paid up last year!”

Roland DG marketing manager Anthony McCausland said the sponsorship had allowed the company to try out different printing technologies on the cars.

“We worked out a deal with machinery where they have their own machinery for signage and car wraps.

“We are also using the opportunity to experiment on different substrates and films on the cars and are having positive results.”

Mimaki’s sponsorship is currently just for two races, with the company hoping to ensure future co-operation after the “toe-in-the-water exercise”.

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